viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

The Forge - Un corto con un mensaje para prevenir suicidios

Tanya Lim se suicidó dejando a su hermano menor dinero que fue usado para hacer este corto.
El hermano de Tanya busca la creación desde la destrucción, y por eso hizo este corto llamado The Forge, donde un hombre pelea por su vida contra su demonio interno.
THE FORGE, an emotional, anti-suicide message in which a man battles his inner demon in a fight for his life.
You see... our friend’s sister, Tanya Lim, killed herself, leaving behind her savings to her brother and aspiring movie producer Eric. Eric felt the only appropriate use of this tragic gift was to make something both in her honor and to prevent others from falling into the dark place she fell victim to. To shed a ray of strength on people affected by depression.
The end result is The Forge. A short film made by a group of friends and strangers-turned-family that came together to make a re-imagining of the public service announcement in their free time over the course of one year. The production value is impressive and I’m particularly really proud to be part of this.
Si buscan dentro de las opciones del video pueden activar los subtitulos en español.

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